The house just went live online and we already have a showing scheduled for this Sunday the 12th and Monday the 13th.  Can you say AWESOME!  Thank you God for the interest, the rest is up to you, I don't have the time or energy to worry about this one, it's all yours!
Joel Osteen preached, very early on in our lives that when things are really, really going wrong and you feel like a salmon swimming up stream, with no water in the stream only rocks, that God must have something awesome just ahead because the devil is throwing everything he can at you so you don't reach it.   Well today was one of those days!  The day started out at 6:32am with a "situation" and clean-up did not end until 9:45am.  Now for all you nurses that we know, let's just call it a "super-pubic moment" with a does of "autonomic dysreflexia" in there and well you can imagine.  For everyone else, when you think you have it rough, try taking care of a quad for a week, no make that just a day and then your life will seem like a piece of cake.  Now don't get me wrong, I ADORE my husband, but I do not like the fact that he is a quad and God is ok with that.  I take care of him with 110% of who I am, but it is by far not an easy road to travel.  Some days I look to the sky and say "You really think I can handle all this, REALLY?"  By the grace of God we will make it through and tomorrow WILL be a better day because we CHOOSE to make it a better day.  So if I may ask you wives out there - take a look at your husband today, a real good look.  Is he standing, can he give you a hug, can you hold his hand and walk by his side, can he check the tire pressure in your vehicle, take out the trash, mow the lawn, shovel the snow, help carry in the groceries, make love, etc. etc. etc.?  If so, thank God, because those are wonderful gifts that I no longer have and miss every minute of every day and treasure the gifts that I still have in him, but I especially miss his hugs!  I LOVE YOU GARY LEE, KULA * MORE TODAY THANK YESTERDAY!  Blonde.
Well today, our realtor extraordinaire, Tim Hester came and took pictures of the house and it should be listed by the first of the week.  Tim has been our realtor for years and we trust him immensely.  As always he will tell us that the market is not good right now and it might take a while to sell, and to that our response is and always has been, when God wants it sold it will sell we have given it to Him!  Tim is very respectful of our convictions and does his very best for us every time.  If you EVER need a realtor, you must give him a call!
Well today Gary received his 2nd wheelchair. It's hard to believe that he has been a quad now for almost 6 years.  It seems like just yesterday we were completing our apartment in the pole barn at the woods, skiing with each other etc.!   But back to the wheelchair, we have to give a shout out to Ryan, Jeff, Matt, Mike, Jennifer and Jessica at United Seating & Mobility, these folks are the BOMB!  They have been with us regarding all things wheelchair since day one and take care of Gary like he is family.  I pray you never need a wheelchair, but if you do this company takes care of you from sales, to service and beyond.   Ryan and Matt are especially dear to us.  Matt was Gary's PT Therapist at Dodd and Ryan was our rep from Permobil.  The bond we formed with both of these young men is irreplaceable.  They each in their own right, love Gary, respect him and look up to him for all he is and has become.  We are very, very blessed to have them in our lives.  Love you all and pray blessings on each of you and your families.  G & Ra
Ok, so I know the house and everything else is not sold yet, but my thought is we can at least look at RVs and I am soooo glad we started now.  If you can imagine, the criteria we have to have to get a lift installed to get Gary in.  Then the room we need inside for him to move around in his wheelchair, let alone me then getting him in and out of bed from his wheelchair.  This is going to be like finding a "needle in a hay stack".  The one thing I am sure of is that God has brought us this far and I am so excited to see what the RV will end up looking like because He knows everything I need to take care of Gary and He will get us one that is PERFECT, because that's just the kind of God He is.  I truly am privileged to call him Father.   Have a great weekend all.

MORE OF HIM  . . . less of me,

A big shout out and thank you to our dear friend John Thauvette.  This young man has know Gary all of his life and is a true example of taking care of family, even when family is not blood.  He was over on Tuesday to help Gary sort tools and today he was back moving furniture for me and helping me paint my office.  We truly do not know what we would do without him.  Blessings to you and your family John and thank you again for all of your help.

MORE OF HIM . . . less of me,

If you know me, you probably know my mom, Alice Delagrange!  She is a awesome Woman!!!  I wouldn't be who I am, be where I am and able to handle what I do without her.  Thank you for all you do and continue to do in my life, I love you, admire you and treasure our friendship very, very much!!! 

Your #1 Daughter(HeHeHe)
Ruth Ann (The Best)

A dirt bike accident started this quadriplegic/caregiver journey  for us, Memorial Day 2006.  Gary and I had been married for two years and it truly was marital bliss.  It was over 90 degrees outside that afternoon and I was not about to put on gear to ride my ATV, but Gary wanted to go over to the Ferguson's, at least for a little bit and ride his dirt-bike with the guys.  So he suited up and off he went. 

Less than 2 hours later I got a call, that dreaded call that no wife wants to get . . . Gary's hurt, come quick and off I went.  What happened over the next 116 days was truly heart wrenching and in that one instance our lives were changed FOREVER!!!

That was 5 1/2 years and ago and what a time it has been.  In this blog we will begin to share where we were before the accident, where we have been since, where we are today and are excitement of where we are headed!!!

Thank you for beginning this journey with us and we look forward to what God has in-store and feel humbled and honored to be sharing it with you. 

Blessings to all for a wonderful day.
MORE OF HIM . . . less of me,
_So today was sort, pack, reminisce, and cry! Thank you Tree & Rebecca for being willing to store precious items for us, we could not do this without you both and your families. We are putting a list together of the sale items, and it is now two pages. Gary is busy checking out prices of on the road living from campground fees, to organizational fees that will help cut the cost of those campground fees. I am so very glad he has the ability to do all that on his computer. What an absolute blessing!!! It sure it nice to have a secretary. HeHeHe. No I did not just call Gary my secretary!!! Looking forward to service at Mansfield First Assembly in the morning, man can Pastor Blair bring when you need it. Birthday party in the afternoon for our wonderful niece Hannah. Can't believe she is going to be 10 years old. How time flies. Blessings to all for a wonderful evening and thank you again for your continued prayers.

MORE OF HIM . . . less of me,

_On Christ's birthday 2011, our NEW adventure was born. We feel as if we are being called to sell our home and belongings, buy a Class A motor home and hit the road in order to share our testimony with others across the United States! Needless to say we are in awe! We will be sharing, hopefully daily on this website, all the trials and tribulations involved in this massive undertaking for our Lord and Savior. Don't get me wrong, we are very, very excited and looking forward to what is in store. So long for now and blessings for a wonderful day.

MORE OF HIM . . . less of me,