Joel Osteen preached, very early on in our lives that when things are really, really going wrong and you feel like a salmon swimming up stream, with no water in the stream only rocks, that God must have something awesome just ahead because the devil is throwing everything he can at you so you don't reach it.   Well today was one of those days!  The day started out at 6:32am with a "situation" and clean-up did not end until 9:45am.  Now for all you nurses that we know, let's just call it a "super-pubic moment" with a does of "autonomic dysreflexia" in there and well you can imagine.  For everyone else, when you think you have it rough, try taking care of a quad for a week, no make that just a day and then your life will seem like a piece of cake.  Now don't get me wrong, I ADORE my husband, but I do not like the fact that he is a quad and God is ok with that.  I take care of him with 110% of who I am, but it is by far not an easy road to travel.  Some days I look to the sky and say "You really think I can handle all this, REALLY?"  By the grace of God we will make it through and tomorrow WILL be a better day because we CHOOSE to make it a better day.  So if I may ask you wives out there - take a look at your husband today, a real good look.  Is he standing, can he give you a hug, can you hold his hand and walk by his side, can he check the tire pressure in your vehicle, take out the trash, mow the lawn, shovel the snow, help carry in the groceries, make love, etc. etc. etc.?  If so, thank God, because those are wonderful gifts that I no longer have and miss every minute of every day and treasure the gifts that I still have in him, but I especially miss his hugs!  I LOVE YOU GARY LEE, KULA * MORE TODAY THANK YESTERDAY!  Blonde.

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