Well in a nut shell, RV (Brutus) should be here the 12th or 13th, I am taking a CCW class 14th & 15th, up to storage unit in Stow on the 16th to remove 4-5 furniture items out of Brutus for Gary's hospital bed and EZ-Lock system, Thirty-One New Consultant Training on the 21st, close on the house sometime the week of the 23rd, into the Brutus and off to parts unknown by the last weekend of the month.   We literally do not know where we will be first.  The plan at this point it to stay in Ohio through late October and then we are heading to Texas for six month to finish our book, get our marketing package together and set up the tour.  We truly appreciate all of you who are on-board with us in prayer at this time and send our prayers right back to you each and every day.  Stay tuned, things are moving fast and if you blink you might miss us.  Love to you all and God Bless,  Ra

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